Tuesday, August 2, 2011


How shall we live as servants for the Lord Jesus Christ?  I read through the first part of a commentary on the book of James last night, and this was the question that stuck with me.  Coming up in the church I always thought that being a Christian was the process of working on yourself.  If I kept myself in line as far as my walk with God, then I was doing pretty good.  Living life was so different back then with such a self serving attitude.  I lived comfortably, and that was good enough. 

My whole goal in talking with people about my relationship with God is not to come off as a bible thumper.  I guess what I really want anyone within an ear shot to know is that I feel free from what I was when I claimed to be a Christian, yet my life didn't exactly reflect it.  I am not always the happiest person, nor is everyday flowers and rainbows.  Tomorrow I will wake up without worry in my heart knowing that God will always be the Father that never turns His back even though I turn mine from Him. 

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